Ana içeriğe atla

Üniversitemize kayıt hakkı kazanan Türkiye Burslusu öğrencilerin aşağıdaki evrakları mail adresine göndermeleri gerekmektedir.

Kayıt Belgeleri

  1. Bursluluk Taahhütnamesi
  2. Kabul Mektubu
  3. Lise Diploması Aslı
  4. Lise Diploması Çevirisi
  5. Denklik Belgesi
  6. Pasaport Örneği
  7. Vesikalık Fotoğraf (JPEG Formatında)
  8. Bilgi Formu (Bilgi Formu İçin TIKLAYINIZ)


Online Registration Procedures for Turkey Scholarships Students

Turkey Scholarship students who are eligible to attend our university are required to submit the following documents to the email address -

Required Registration Documents:

  1. Scholarship Agreement
  2. Acceptance Letter
  3. Latest Diploma
  4. Latest Diploma (Transled in Turkish and attested by a notary in Turkey)
  5. Letter of Equivalence (To be taken from the Turkish Mission in your country or from the Istanbul Office of Ministry of Education –MEB- to prove that your secondary school diploma is regarded a compatible to the Turkish education system.)
  6. Copy of Passport and ID
  7. Your passport size photos (JPEG Format)
  8. Information Form(CLICK Information Form)